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diCrunch — History of development
 2.0.1 - 16 August 2010

* Default conversion changed to IAST Unicode -> Devanagari to prevent confusion with H-K capitalization
* Split box interface is now on by default to help improve the result instantly in case of quirky sources
* Save preferences function fixed (UTF-8 with BOM as file encoding starts by blurting output, and so breaks cookies)
* "Unicode" renamed to IAST Unicode (International Alphabet for Sanskrit Transliteration - "proper diacritics")
* IAST Unicode input now converts both .M transliteration variants correctly to Devanagari
* Incoming data filtering security patch for system files included on the basis of user input
* Shakti and X-Sanskrit have been deprecated (open diCrunch_config.php to reactivate them in the interface)
* Changes on help page - fixed transliteration system links and added a note on how to ensure accurate Indic script renderings.

2.0 Stable - 14 August 2010

* The project hasn't been updated for a while, but it's clearly stable - Beta state removed
* diCrunch file download works - download link added to footer
* Corrected some "Help" page links and brought feedback module up to speed

2.0 Beta 6 - 23 February 2008

* Changed custom replacement into a separate layer available on demand
* CSX encoding bugs fixed
* Added .m as an option for 'm (see preferences)
* Fixed feedback module spam killer

2.0 Beta 5 - 15 December 2008

* Changed custom replacement into a separate layer available on demand
* You can now get a capital Unicode letter by adding % before a Harvard-Kyoto diacritic character

2.0 Beta 4.3 - 15 January 2007

* Added custom replacement preference field
* Included a changelog-file (this file) into the zip

2.0 Beta 4.2 - 15 January 2007

* Some changes under Help
* A font size definition box under preferences
* A few capital characters added to the incomplete Shakti encoding
* Some minor tweaks that don't merit documenting

2.0 Beta 4.1 - 14 January 2007
* Minor bug fixes

2.0 Beta 4 - 13 January 2007

* Options: A split screen for separate source and target texts.
* Tools: Feedback Module

2.0 Beta 4 - 13 January 2007

* Options: A split screen for separate source and target texts.
* Tools: Feedback Module

2.0 Beta 3 - 12 January 2007

* A Tools section featuring a Macro Producer.
** Creation of MS Word macros for any of the supported diacritics conversions.
** Creation of custom macros from templates.

2.0 Beta 2 - 11 January 2007

* Swap Y -preference
* Saving "more options" choices as default under preferences
* Added conversions: Shakti Mac (partial) and X-Sanskrit (old BBT)
* Implemented new XHK extensions
* Completed Velthuis and ITRANS character arrays
* Updated Help area texts
* Moved Preferences and Help links to top
* Changed processing time to 5 seconds

2.0 Beta 1 - 10 January 2007

* Style brushed up on
* File input and output
* Switches to modify output
* Devanagari debugged
* Oriya (experimental - Windows XP doesn't support it that well.)
* Saving preferences
* Help-page and license


* v1.30 - Bengali debugged, CSX, ITRANS, Velthuis and Devanagari script (experimental) added. - 07:14, 28 December 2006
* v1.20 - Bengali script to transliteration conversion introduced. - 21:02, 5 June 2006 (EDT)
* v1.11 - Fixed a small bug with Unicode . - 15:54, 4 June 2006 (EDT)
* v1.10 - Full XHK and experimental Bengali support added. Checkbox for adding italics and indentation for transliteration is there, too, to speed up editors' work. Small bugs fixed. - 17:38, 1 June 2006 (EDT)
* v1.01 - Added the possibility to bookmark different defaults. - 05:46, 26 May 2006 (EDT)
* v1.00 - First release - no changes yet! - 22:20, 25 May 2006 (EDT)